“You educate a man, you educate a man. You educate a woman, you educate a generation.” – Brigham Young
For ICM final project, I decided to continue working on data visualization.
What is it: It is a myth that there is a connection between education level and the average age of first marriage. I will be mining data for 4 to 5 countries, and determine if there really is coorelation.
Title: Does Education really matter?
The inspiration: a video from Visual Language class- the girl effect: the clock is ticking.
I will create a interactive map that combines all the following variables and it will allow user to click on the map and see details information on how different levels of education/health care expenditure would affect age of first marriage.
Key indicators(variables) in my sketch:
a. Education expenditure (%of GDP)
b. Health expenditure (%of GDP)
c. Average age of first marriage
I will demonstrate the each age group in details with country information, and % of education and health expenditure.
The final result will look something like this: