The weekly assignment is: Working in groups of two, please research the motivation, ability and trigger issues related to taking the stair to the 4th floor, vs the elevator.
Motivation- Walking up stairs has various health benefit: improve cardio fitness, build stronger muscles, reduce risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes etc. People generally want to be healthy and stay fit whenever options are available.
Ability- We put Tisch celebrities and their promo messages right in the path of our target — on the screen, to raise attention and interest, they will be curious in what B&J(Billy, Jack) have to offer, and steer to stairs entrance.
Trigger- The “ITP Stairs of Fame” banner over the stair door is used to indicate precise starting point for people to take action.
Goal: We want people to take stair for obvious reasons- health, energy saving, safety…etc. How do we make people walk up stairs? How do we get people involved?How do we persuade people to do as told, repeatedly?
1) To start, we will have ITP Alumni Dan Crowley stick-figure animated on the screen by the elevator. They will say: “ Why squander your time waiting for the elevator? Take the ITP Stairs of Fame! Dan is waiting for you on the 3rd floor!”
2) Have “ITP STAIRS OF FAME” banner over the entrance of the stairs for people to go to.
3) When people start walking up and reach different levels, we will have various ITP faculty life-size poster posted on the wall or cutout boards standing near by the wall.
*NYU Tisch and ITP celebrity Faculty take turns welcoming our target/user by floor.*
*Messages can be changed/rotated on a daily basis.*
2nd floor: A poster of Tom will be saying : Great job! You Just burn 10 calories! Tom
3rd floor: A poster of Danwill be saying: Keep going! one more floor! You just burned 20 calories!
4th floor ITP: A poster of Katherine poster will be saying: Hey! you made it! You Just burn 30 calories! Now, go to Matt for some free candies!
By altering the messages and people display regularly, we would like to keep people curious and having fun during the process.