A few of practices I did after classes. From the tutorial, I started by using a set that’s looking for a unique words in “Pride and Prejudice” And the result is a long set of…
Author: carchi59
[RWET] HW1 Create a Python program that behaves like a UNIX
Some test runs for writing a python program and run it from command lines.
[MSSD] Final project – Is Twitter Multicultural?
According to the data from Nielsen, “multicultural consumers are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. Already over 120 million strong and increasing by 2.3 million per year, multicultural populations are the growth engine…
[Fabrication] Final project – Minimalist Totoro clock
Inspiration — childhood revisited. Hayao Miyazaki’s works have a special place in my childhood. As a kid, the movie time after dinner was one of my favorite family rituals. Dad sat us down in front of…
[Fabrication] Multiple materials
Working with multiple materials, I decided to use materials I haven’t tried so far — bookends made with wood and cardboard decor. The basics are 2 L-shape structures, doweling pins will connect the vertical and…
[Understanding Networks] Device for the Flowrpot w/Restful API
Concept: Restful API Route: Testing basic code using nodeJS+Arduino Yun — https://github.com/andySigler/NodeJS_Yun_Example Using the webpage and clicking on the water button, an user will be able to water plant remotely. Final result in daytime: Final…
[A2Z] Final project proposal
What we need to include in the final project: Title and short description Why are you making this? How did you become interested in this? Who is the audience? Concept sketch (running code?) The…
[Fabrication] Enclosures
Not all projects are created equal. As I get familiar with tools in the shop and suppliers outside of ITP, I learned there are various options of resource and better tools to build a project. This…
[Fabrication] Laser cutter
For this week, I wanted to create some effect lighting snippets, which is a beginning, and hopefully, will develop into a lighting piece in the weeks to come, for the assignment. There are some configurations.…
[Fabrication] Multiples
For this week’s assignment, I decided to use wire bending jig to create some wire works. This is what I started with: There are inspirations on pinterest, but not all of them are suitable for…