Concept: Restful API Route: Testing basic code using nodeJS+Arduino Yun — Using the webpage and clicking on the water button, an user will be able to water plant remotely. Final result in daytime: Final…
Author: carchi59
[A2Z] Final project proposal
What we need to include in the final project: Title and short description Why are you making this? How did you become interested in this? Who is the audience? Concept sketch (running code?) The…
[Fabrication] Enclosures
Not all projects are created equal. As I get familiar with tools in the shop and suppliers outside of ITP, I learned there are various options of resource and better tools to build a project. This…
[Fabrication] Laser cutter
For this week, I wanted to create some effect lighting snippets, which is a beginning, and hopefully, will develop into a lighting piece in the weeks to come, for the assignment. There are some configurations.…
[Fabrication] Multiples
For this week’s assignment, I decided to use wire bending jig to create some wire works. This is what I started with: There are inspirations on pinterest, but not all of them are suitable for…
[Fabrication] DIY Flashlight
The first project of the class is to make a DIY flashlight. Flashlight comes in many forms, as soon as I figured out the circuit connection(see below) , I started to search around on closure.…
[Understanding Networks] Wireshark
Wireshark is a network analysis tool that is formerly known as Ethereal, and what it does is to capture packets in real time and display them in human-readable format. Wireshark includes filters, color-coding option, and…
[Persuasive Design] Urban pain point &Fun solution
For years, New York city has become safer and more prosperous. However, littering continues to be an issue. The city still can’t figure out how to stop people from trashing streets. After observation, I notice…
[Understanding Networks] Traceroute
The outbound traffic from my computer to some of the most frequently visited websites is dominated by Level 3 Communications, TWC, and XO communications.
[Persuasive Design] Examples of pain point
Pain point #1 Laundry Once in a while, everyone experiences and relates to the “No! everything is pink!” laundry disaster. Back in college, living in a dorm and sharing everything with three other girls, doing…