Description: A pair of heated gloves with LED lighting. This gloves can be turn on/off and with a switch and temperature can can be control/detected through a digital sensor. Rechargeable. LED lighting as ornament and…
Author: carchi59
ICM Wk8 Data
For this week’s assignment, I tried to count word frequencies in different sources. I collected two articles authored by two writers from Times website that talks about banks in Japan and the States. I converted…
Pcomp Wk7 Computational Fashion– Wearables
It was an insightful class last week. After careful consideration– given the time constrain, skills, practicability, and because the winter is coming, I decided to work on — a heated gloves. Inspiration I…
ICM Wk7 Pixels
This week, we work with pixels. I chose to make a slideshow for my weekly assignment. And here is the screen shot when program is running.
Wk6 VL Color theory
Color IQ test, lower score better. I think I was deprived of sleep over the weekend, and my vision was compromised somehow. Change Hue Change Saturation Change Brightness
Pcomp Wk6 Final project brainstorming
Learning lessons from midterm project, I decided to do something different for final project. I came here after learning ITP is a pcom-focused community. Even though knowing Wearables is still somewhat a prematured industry, I…
ICM WK6 Array&ArrayLists
The way I set it up is, replacement or addition to this array is number will have choice of two paths of movement: “butterfly all over” or “bee upper half” of the screen. I started…
Visual Language WK5 Logo & Brand Design
Simply put, a good logo design is simple, memorable, timeless, versatile(to go across mediums and applications) and appropriate. However, I can’t resist some of the interesting logos when found in doing research, especially those with…
Pcomp Wk5 Midterm Photocell application
The concept behind my midterm project came from a one of my sketches I worked on in ICM: a bowling ball going down the alley and hitting a pin at the end. We attempted to…