For this week’s assignment, I decided to use wire bending jig to create some wire works. This is what I started with:
There are inspirations on pinterest, but not all of them are suitable for creating multiples.
Even though reading a real book is not quite as a ‘cool’ thing nowadays, I still find myself fetching a real paper book, and in search of a bookmark from time to time. Hence, something that is practical and scalable —
In my initial planning, I expect to do a few practice rounds, meaning, getting familiar with angles on the wire bending jigs and deciding what angles to use and make adjustments, before using the pretty wire to make final products. What I didn’t consider enough is the pliability of the wire.
Before starting practice, I thought the wire in the shop might be a bit too thick and hard to twist angles and shapes, as a backup, I ordered a roll of artistic wire.
The one on the left is the artistic wire(red); the one on the right is the soldering wire(silver). After experiments, both are too soft stay in shape, they crook uncontrollably.
So I go back to the the shop wire, and practice more.
All tools used: (hammer is used to flat wires so they stay on the surface)