Pcomp WK9 Progress&System Diagram

This week I spent time looking for the code examples to play with temperature sensors. One of them is with TMP102:

#include <Wire.h>

int tmp102Address = 0x48;

void setup(){

void loop(){

float celsius = getTemperature();
Serial.print(“Celsius: “);
float fahrenheit = (1.8 * celsius) + 32;
Serial.print(“Fahrenheit: “);

delay(200); //just here to slow down the output. You can remove this

float getTemperature(){

byte MSB = Wire.read();
byte LSB = Wire.read();

//it’s a 12bit int, using two’s compliment for negative
int TemperatureSum = ((MSB << 8) | LSB) >> 4;

float celsius = TemperatureSum*0.0625;
return celsius;


Here is System Diagram:



Challenges& thoughts:

1. Appearance: there are quite a few elements (battery pouch, LEDs, heating pads, sensor) needs to go on this glove. One of the many things I tried to avoid is make it look bulky.  I need to find a solution so it won’t look heavy. It needs to be slim and portable.

2. Interaction: I have been thinking how to to make it a iterative system. What if this is not a pair of gloves, but a pair of liners? It will go with your existing regular gloves. Plus, the battery is rechargeable and changeable, so is the heating pad.  But would that put too many choices on the user? Wouldn’t a lazy user (like myself) prefer to have one pair gloves and have all the jobs done?