List and dictionary are complicated concept and even though Allison demoed in details in class, I realized the data you work with matter – in the sense that how you name your data file when saving , the structure in the data… all can make a difference.
To start, I spend some time to rewatch the class video and try to recreate my own. To take the advantage of existing resource, I used corpora on github with DJIA corporations.
Trial#2: poem2 and code
Trial #3: poem3 and code
Trial 4: poem4 and code
Finally, I combined the list of DJIA corporations and another data set named “Laundry Care Instructions”, and here is the result:
Ub UnitedHeaBoeIron At Medium TemperatureMachine Wash, Cold
Im IMicrHand WashDo Not Dryclean
Vg ViGeneral Do Not DryMachine Wash, Warm
Pu Procter United TeMachine Wash, WarmDo Not Tumble Dry
Ju Johnson United TeMachine Wash, NormalTumble Dry, Permanent Press
Hu Home UnitedHeaDry Flat In ShadeDo Not Wash
Iu InUnited TeDrip DryDryclean
And here is the code: